Friday, December 18, 2020

Observations (Albeit Late) About November Spending


I know, we are deep into December. I have had November numbers available since, well, since the end of November. But the last three weeks have held more so much on all fronts that posting about November held on the food front has been beyond me.

So here is a very belated report.

November was a disaster if I look at my 2020 goal of holding food/household spending to $180.00 a month. An absolute disaster. (Note: Many, many goals of 2020 went by the wayside this year. I'll be writing about that later this month.) In fact, November was such a disaster on the money front that it has made me rethink how to approach our food spending heading into 2021 (again, a topic for later this month or early January). 

So how much of a disaster? $300.64 on food; $44.71 in household items (toilet paper, detergent). Grand total? $345.53.

I can't even begin to account for all of that. Some of it was stocking up. Some of it was buying baking supplies. Our garden did finally come to an end after snow, but we didn't buy whopping amounts of lettuce to make up for that loss. None of it, alas, was lobster, rack of lamb, caviar, or other such items. 

Year-to-date: $2559.06. Monthly average for 2020: $233.64. 

As I noted last month, even with a month like November, both our November spending and our year-to-date averages still come in lower than the USDA "thrifty plan" for a two-adult household in our age bracket. I won't wring my hands over November's dollars but, as I noted, it is food for thought, no pun intended.


Laurie said...

These are challenging times on so many fronts. I expect rising food prices had a lot to do with it, and stocking up is more important than ever. Looks like you're doing a great job, times as they are.

Out My window said...

I have been able to stick pretty close to my grocery spending goals, but you are right in the fact that in other was Covid has really screwed with our savings and spending. Groceries are really much higher now. Can't wait for your post in the New Year.