Monday, July 15, 2024

The 2024 Gardens: Part 6

As I noted just a week ago, the gardens are flourishing. I finally picked my first tomato yesterday:

It's not going to win any beauty contest, but it tasted delicious at lunch today.

I picked that one in the morning. Last night, looking over the kitchen garden after some hard rain moved through, I spotted these on another plant:


There continues to be a lot going on here. My father is still in rehab (starting month 2), Warren is down to a little bit more than two weeks left as he winds up over three decades of being the manager and Executive Director of our local Symphony (there is so much to deal with both at his office and in our home related to that transition), my high school class 50th reunion was last weekend (I/we went and yeah, I might blog about that), and there are my own ongoing matters, starting with CLE. 

But the tomatoes are coming in and the fireflies still light up my evenings. 

Sometimes abundance just rains down on me. 


April said...

Thank you, my friend. Hugs.

Out My window said...

I came home to baby bunnies eating the green beans. I don't think I will get a bean this year. But baby bunnies are so cute.

April said...

Kim, yes, baby bunnies are cute. But I eye the bigger ones (we have two in the area) and remind them that I have no qualms about eating rabbit!! LOL

Welcome home!