Saturday, May 18, 2024

Change of Topic

Orlando is clearly ready for takeoff! 

I have been running different post themes through my head this week: compassion, gratitude, solitude, nature, the garden, books. I plan to return to those ideas soon.

But for the next few days, my time will be spent catching up and keeping up with the underage pilot in the photo. My son Ben and grandson Orlando are en route for a short visit as I type. They'll get to Columbus about 5:30 this evening, having started their morning hopping from Portland to Seattle.

I last saw Orlando in the flesh when he was two. TWO. He is now 5. FIVE! This will be his first trip to Ohio and, I think, his first flight ever. 

I can't wait. 

See you on the other side! 


Laurie said...

How wonderful! Enjoy your time together!

April said...

We are!!!

Amanda said...


April said...


April said...

It has been amazing.