Thursday, February 24, 2022

An NPC Year

 At the start of this month, my child-in-law Alix posted an observation on Facebook that instead of running on "main character energy," maybe 2022 was a year for NPC energy.

NPC? That's a non-playable character in a role-playing game. (I had to look this up.) NPCs are not part of the adventuring parties. Think shopkeeper, village resident, farmer. Such characters might make a comment to the adventurers, or sell supplies to them, but they are not the focus of the game.

Alix gave examples of what they had in mind in terms of NPC energy: "Tend a shop, have a garden...No quests, just vibes."

Alix's post resonated with me when I first read it. Three weeks later, it still draws me in. I don't need quests. I'm tired. I'm beginning to accept I have more limitations than just not being able to make fruit empanadas. (I'll share some of those thoughts soon.)

Earlier this year, I wrote about making love up my guiding principle for 2022. This fits in with that idea: tend my garden, share baked goods, help others. 

2022 as an NPC? I'm good with that. 


Laurie said...

Thanks for the explanation, as I wouldn't have known. This seems like an apt thought for 2022. Thank goodness for the adventurers, but I think we've also learned how precious all the people who keep us fed, in groceries, who keep our utilities going, and so many others who keep things running smoothly are. The small, behind the scenes moments and gestures may be the most important ones of all. You've given me something to ponder today.

Out My window said...

Your adventures will just be on a smaller scale.