Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wild With Joy

Everything happens in life. Some of what happens in life is terrible. We know this is true because it has always been true. But there is another truth available, an inexplicable and sometimes crazy truth that is no less compelling. The living of a life, day by day and moment by moment, is also wild with joy. Reeve Lindbergh, Forward From Here.

I have been sitting on this story since Christmas Day at the request of two people very near and dear to me who asked me to keep quiet. But they just lifted the ban, oh, about fifteen minutes ago and it is time to go public.

As I have mentioned before, my dearly loved daughter-in-law Alise is a beautiful writer. So I am going to let her tell the story:

Coming August 2012: Baby Sanchez! That's right, I'm totally incubating as we speak. Saw the little bean on an ultrasound today, and he/she has a super strong heartbeat and is doing water aerobics as we speak. Exciting!

The living of a life, day by day and moment by moment, is indeed wild with joy.


Anonymous said...

Oh-oh-oh, this is wonderful news! I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret!! You'll be a grandma, a time-honored occupation.

Sharon said...

CONGRATULATIONS APRIL!!!!! Wow! That is wonderful news!

Darla said...

Exciting and wonderful times ahead. Being a grandparent has indeed brought me great joy.



My Community Too said...

"Little Bean" is already fully present in your lives ... love surrounds him/her. Fine adventures lay ahead.

Ellen said...

April, I read about your impending arrival when it was first posted and am ashamed I haven't yet stopped by with congratulations, to you and the whole family! I know this little one will be raised with love, family, and community thanks to Grandma Books!